Helping clients' with diverse communication activities.
Cygnus makes a difference with target audiences by:
Conceptualizing the content and format of documents; conducting background research and author liaisons; writing scientific, technical, and programmatic documents; translating information for lay audiences; copyediting, editing, and proofreading content and adhering to professional style requirements (GPO, Chicago, AMA, etc.); providing word processing and desktop publishing services, designing graphics, managing the production, printing, and assembly process; preparing and managing required publication clearance activities.
Cygnus produces abstract books, peer-reviewed journal articles, briefing books, brochures, catalogs, conference proceedings, curricula, direct mail, directories, fact sheets, flyers, information kits, manuals, meeting summaries, monographs, participant meeting packets, posters, and scientific reports. Selected projects include:
- Support Services for the Surgeon General’s Reports on Smoking and Health (1994/95, 2001/02, 2008, 2010, and 2014), Office on Smoking and Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention;
- Support for the Production and Dissemination of a Second-Generation Series of Smoking and Tobacco Control Monographs, National Cancer Institute;
- Preparation of Annual Reports, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Center for Neutron Research;
- Research, writing, and production of Annual Report to Congress, National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice; and
- Support Services for the 9th Special Report to Congress on Alcohol and Health, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.