Meeting Management / Power Information Center Technical Support, IAPG

Developing and operating a database and managing meetings.

Cygnus developed and maintained a bibliographic database, and provided logistical support services for approximately 350 Scientists and Program Managers in advanced energy fields who were members of the Federal Government’s Interagency Advanced Power Group (IAPG). Member agencies included the Departments of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Energy, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Personnel from other government and private organizations also participated as subscribers to the Power Information Center’s services.

  • Collected information about the content and progress of research and development in 7 major energy fields, consisting of more than 4,000 records of current energy research and development projects funded by the 5 federal member agencies named above; 
  • Maintenance of the information about current projects was organized in an automated database developed and operated by Cygnus; 
  • In response to information requests from members and a group of monthly subscribers, the project staff conducted searches of the current database and the historical hard copy file library; 
  • All information was entered into the database and the data were manipulated to produce monthly abstract updates, semiannual bibliographies, membership rosters, subject indexes, and an annual thesaurus; and
  • Travel arrangement and reimbursement services were also provided by Cygnus to support 11 semiannual IAPG meetings with an average attendance of about 35 people.

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