Analyzing and reviewing grant programs.
This project involved the qualitative and quantitative review, analysis, and synthesis of more than 1,600 semiannual project reports, documents, and materials produced in conjunction with the Basic State Grants (Parts I and II), Children’s Justice Act State Grants, and the Community Child Abuse Prevention (Challenge) State Grants programs of the National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect (NCCAN) and its replacement, the Office on Child Abuse and Neglect (OCAN), Administration for Children & Families (ACF), which supplied the leadership and funding to programs that were instrumental in helping to transform child protection throughout the country.
Volume I of the final report was a compendium analyzing the characteristics of state activities under each funding program that were summarized and synthesized across the respective states. It also included an analysis and synthesis of state activities across the four funding programs, allowing for a unified assessment of the combined impact of the state grants programs.
Volume II consisted of a compilation of individual state summary reports of activities conducted under each of the four funding programs. Major project activities included the following:
Developing and implementing complex relational databases into a management system for summarizing and synthesizing state activities and activities of state sub grantees within and across the state grants programs;
Summarizing, coding, and classifying a wide variety of materials, including instructional videotapes, audiotape public service announcements, project and program brochures, program or project performance reports, training curricula, and other documents;
Summarizing and incorporating the materials into the database for analysis; and
Writing a two-volume final report with a separate executive summary and appendixes.