Shaping public policy on community policing.
Community policing addresses the causes and fear of crime through community-police partnerships and problem-solving tactics. Advancing community policing and related concepts of community justice require change in the traditional culture of policing and the justice system; therefore, clear, effective communication is crucial.
Cygnus supplied services to the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office), Department of Justice (DOJ), in editing two major companion documents intended for those who shape public policy as well as those who implement changes in the field:
One of the documents, Community Policing, Community Justice, and Restorative Justice: Exploring the Links for the Delivery of a Balanced Approach to Public Safety, presents the rationale for the concepts; and
The other document, Toolbox for Implementing Restorative Justice and Advancing Community Policing, is a practical guide to implementation.
Cygnus' editorial and oversight tasks included the following:
Substantive editing, writing, copyediting, and proofreading; document clarity, logical organization, and smooth transitions; appropriate language, terminology, and tone for the subject matter and intended audiences; consistency in style, format, and language usage; accuracy in all details, such as page numbers, running heads, agreement between table of contents and text, and agreement between text citations and reference list; graphic design, layout, and desktop publishing; strict quality control reviews of each draft and at each stage of production through to final production; and direction by project manager and oversight by Cygnus' corporate monitor to ensure adherence to agreed schedule and budget as well as a high standard of quality.