Tobacco Control Monographs, NCI, NIH
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) established the Tobacco Control Monograph series (formerly called the Smoking and Tobacco Control Monograph series) in 1991 to provide ongoing and timely information about emerging public health issues in smoking and tobacco use control.
Cygnus supported the editorial production of 6 NCI Monographs, published by the NCI Tobacco Control Center, to reduce the time between availability of information emanating from research projects, publication, and widely disseminating the information.
A Report of the Surgeon General “The Health Consequences of Smoking: 50 Years of Progress
Each of the Surgeon General's Reports since 1964, has required a remarkable level of scientific subject matter expertise and writing capabilities, exceptional quality control, and reliable management. Based on Cygnus’s consistently high level of performance, cooperative and capable staff, strong commitment to customer satisfaction, adherence to contract schedule and budget, and superior standards of quality control, Cygnus provided scientific publishing and knowledge translation services for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC ) for more than 20 years.
The report’s release, scheduled on the exact day of the 50th anniversary of the 1964 Surgeon General’s Report on Smoking and Health, presented significant challenges that were intensified by a government shutdown and CDC/HHS clearance/changes requiring extensive revisions. In order to respond to peak demand time constraints, Cygnus used a staff cross-trained in several publications functions (i.e., reference verification, layout, etc.) which offered the team the flexibility to increase task capacity within a short period of time, as needed.
Due to the technical nature of the Surgeon General's Reports, we provided high-level subject matter expertise for various project tasks, including our Senior Chemist, Dr. Yao-Ren Dai, who reviewed chapters to ensure the correct usage of terms, genes, and proteins.
2011 NIST
Cygnus prepared annual Accomplishments and Opportunities Reports for the Center for Neutron Research and the Physics Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), U.S. Department of Commerce.