Enhancing recruitment, employee learning, and organizational retention efforts for an effective and productive workforce.
The Bureau of Clinician Recruitment and Service (BCRS), which merged with the Bureau of Health Professions to become the Bureau of Health Workforce (BHW), was charged with expanding services and support to help meet the Nation’s healthcare provider shortages, which in turn created a need to focus on enhancing the agency’s efforts to recruit, train, and retain a growing and productive workforce.
The goal of the BCRS organizational development and design framework was to improve the clarity of BCRS positions and duties, and to integrate HRSA competencies. Clearer position descriptions, aligned competencies and better supervision through a 360° Management Assessment process resulted in greater, more effective organizational capacity, a higher performance work culture and better employee satisfaction.
Cygnus provided expert assistance to facilitate the organizational development of BCRS and entailed a wide range of services, including:
Reviewing position descriptions for the most prominent BCRS job series to align them with current HRSA leadership and core competencies;
Advising managers and staff about the skills and knowledge expected for performance at their present level and for promotion to the next level;
Guiding employees in planning to attain every organizational level by creating career maps specifying competencies required for each specialty area, identifying available technical training, and otherwise providing information needed to create an individual development plan;
Developing sustainable assessment/performance measures for each identified grade/job series using current HHS Performance Management Appraisal Program (PMAP) tools;
Helping managers lead their staff in administering, analyzing, and applying the results of professional self-assessment tools;
Providing 360° assessments to Branch Chiefs, Deputy Directors, and Division Directors and helping these executives better understand their own strengths and challenges in moving the organization forward; and
Managing and integrating the 360° process into a larger performance management system.