Assessing the need for retention, modification, or replacement of research and dissemination materials.
This project of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) sought to determine whether the existing research translation and dissemination materials developed by the four Breast Cancer and the Environment Research Program (BCERP)-funded Breast Cancer and the Environment Research Centers (BCERC) located at Michigan State University, Lansing, MI; Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA; University of Cincinnati, OH; and University of California, San Francisco, CA and their partner agency Community Outreach and Translation Core (COTC) should be retained, modified, or entirely replaced for each target audience.
Cygnus provided a needs assessment which included a survey of scientific researchers, a review and analysis of scientific research, and alternatives of format that would be most effective for any new materials created. Main tasks performed included:
Comprehensive and extensive review of BCERC scientific publications, BCERC progress reports, COTCs outreach materials, and related government and advocate web sites;
Production of a summary report of literature reviews;
Survey of BCERC research scientists, COTC members, and Breast Cancer and the Environment Working Group of the National Advisory Environmental Health Sciences Council representatives;
Survey of advocates involved in BCERCs and members of NCI’s Consumer Advocates in Research and Related Activities program;
Survey of NIEHS and NCI staff;
Data analysis and topline report preparation for each set of survey participants;
Review, analysis, and synthesis of the study findings;
Preparation of a comprehensive needs assessment report on BCERP Centers; and
Meeting with NIEHS and NCI staff to present study findings.